Functional & Aesthetic Medicine
Specializing in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

AnteAGE’s mission is to provide powerful regenerative anti-aging products through sound evidence-based technologies. AnteAGE scientists pioneered the use of human bone marrow stem cell technology in aesthetics and dermatology fields.
We are committed to leveraging the power of stem cell growth factors and cytokines to deliver safe, effective, and luxurious skincare products that promote aesthetic health.
AnteAGE® products are always 100% cruelty, cell, paraben, and pathogen free. Our research team is constantly developing and testing new active ingredients for effectiveness, ensuring that anything we use is proven and safe for our customers.
How does AnteAGE harvest stem cells for their products?
We source our stem cells from the bone marrow of young, healthy, pre-screened adult donors. The cells are cultured in a laboratory, within a controlled environment that fosters production of the biosignals that will engage in skin repair and rejuvenation. We then harvest and extract the powerful growth factors and cytokines inside, discarding the cell itself. Our products are 100% free of inflammatory cells, cell fragments, RNA, or DNA.
Is there a difference between bone marrow stem cells and plant stem cells?
Mesenchymal stem cells originating from bone marrow are the most powerful and versatile population in your body, able to transform into myriad cell types to fight injury and inflammation. As they leave the bone marrow and travel throughout the body, these stem cells act as command and control centers, directing the process of healing to minimize overall damage. We can't live without these cells, and yet we have fewer of them working for us with each passing day.
Cellese Regenerative Therapeutics cultures these cells in-vitro, providing them with a controlled environment to foster production of biosignals engaged in skin repair and rejuvenation. We harvest these Growth Factors & Cytokines they produce and use them as our products' primary active.
Are the stem cells fetal or embryonic?
No, not at all.
Our stem cells are sourced only from the bone marrow of young, healthy, pre-screened adult donors. Stem cell cytokines also contain none of the original cell parts themselves, only the beneficial growth factors they produce.